Saturday, May 8, 2010

Do You Have the Courage to Take on the HR Executive Job?

For those hoping to land top executive jobs in any organisation, there are certain things that hiring managers are looking for. This is beyond what they look for in normal applicants for obvious reasons. If you are missing those particular items, you will be passed over, even though you may be more qualified. When it comes to Human Resource or HR executive jobs, many people think they only involve people skills, but that is not the case.

There are several secrets, techniques and other things that top organisations look for and use to select candidates for their top jobs. Of course, you need to make your application shine, and have the credentials they like to see. Test results may fall to the bottom of the list, so don't think that doing good on testing means anything to the hiring team. HR executives need to understand the criterion-based interviews that the top organisations use, if they ever hope to become in charge of the hiring department.

Knowing the questions to anticipate and the answers that the hiring team or managers are looking for is a technique you need to know. Many top executives are subject to a group selection process and this is the stage that can be most important.

Many of the top companies may use a "team hiring" approach, and when it comes to hiring any top executive positions, this is particularly common in final interviews. Knowing how to respond and question a widely diverse interviewing committee is something that many executives may not be prepared for, but need to be, if they hope to land the position.

As an HR executive candidate, you may be facing an hourly employee or supervisor, salaried manager and the CEO or CFO. You have to be able to answer appropriately and diversely in order to get the job, when you reach this stage. There are techniques you need to know when you reach this crucial stage.

Of course, you need to be foremost in the mind of the top recruiters, from the moment a top executive job vacancy is available. Sometimes, this can mean having a clear insight into the mind of a top recruiter on a global scale, when it comes to winning the executive job race. Because there are so many executives looking for jobs, with the state of the global economy, there are techniques you need to know, in order to compete and land the job.

Hundreds of top companies use the same techniques to weed through the resumes, credentials, letters and other paperwork, in order to find the perfect executives to fill their top level job vacancies. When it comes to hiring an executive for their Human Resource department, they can be especially tough, since that position is responsible for hiring the rest of the team. It can be the most important asset that a top company has when it comes to productivity and teamwork to meet financial goals.

There are places on the Internet, that offer insight into the techniques, credentials and answers you need to have to land these top jobs. Doing the needed homework and research to land these top executive positions in the Human Resource department are worth landing the job of your dreams.

Did you know...

That once you learn the crucial seven secrets to landing the top human resources executive position and are aware of the interviewer's 'hot buttons', it's much easier to perform well at that all-important interview.

The Different Types of Advertising Jobs Within the Media Industry

They are the first point of contact for the client and provide advice, guidance and support throughout a project. They play a key role in the Advertising Industry because they must see Advertising projects through from start to finish as well as ensuring client satisfaction. They manage all the administrative and creative work during a campaign to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Advertising Account executives can handle several accounts, sometimes around 5 or 6. However, if they are working in a large company with high profile clients, they may only be responsible for one or two campaigns. This allows them to spend the appropriate amount of time on each client depending on how much they are paying.

Some of the day to days tasks an Advertising Account Executive might be involved with are things like meeting with clients, working with colleagues to brainstorm innovative ideas, presenting to clients and negotiating deals.

Advertising Account Manager

This is a very similar role to an Executive but with a great deal more responsibility. It is a management role and Advertising Account Managers must oversee the project and ensure everyone is contributing effectively.

This role requires strong management and organisational skills and the ability to work under pressure. Advertising Managers must delegate work to various different people in the Advertising team in order to meet the needs of the client.

They must have good commercial awareness in order to manage Advertising Accounts and substantial experience within the Advertising Industry. Some of the daily tasks they might have to deal with are things like managing a portfolio of accounts, building relationships with clients, using industry contacts to enhance the business and general management of campaigns.

Advertising Account Planner

This role is sometimes overlooked by people who don't understand the advertising industry, but it is actually a vital role and directly contributes to the success of an advertising agency. Advertising Account planners perform extensive research into a wide range of advertising related areas. For example, they spend time researching audience trends and behaviour and strive to understand what their audience wants. They must also do a large amount of research into potential new products and services and think of new ways of delivering advertising services.

Some of the daily responsibilities of an Advertising Planner include things like identifying business problems, commissioning research and providing the creative team with detailed briefs.

International Audit Jobs - Five Cities to Find Auditor Jobs

London - it's close to home, in fact you might be working there already. London has in the last twenty years become the financial capital of the world. New York might still find statistics to prove its dominance but it deals mainly in domestic markets and lacks the international appeal of London. The wealth of talent in Britain's capital can lead to competition for positions. This, combined with the high cost of living does put a few people off, but can still offer great opportunities.

New York - despite its constant squabbles with the UK over where the financial capital of the world is, New York is a particularly appealing place for an auditor to look for a job. The introduction of Sarbanes Oxley following the collapse of Enron has lead to the rise in demand for highly qualified audit professionals. Visa requirements can often be quite complex and time consuming but the iconic big apple has lots going for it.

Chicago - the windy city might not instantly enter your mind when looking for an audit job in the United States, but in recent years Illinois' premier city has ridden a crest of a wave and in some financial sectors is more important than Wall Street. The pivotal moment in Chicago's ascent was the merger between Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) & Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) to create one of the world's biggest futures market. Whilst it's not directly related to auditing, when you have money changing hands on that scale, plenty of audit vacancies and positions become available.

Beijing - everyone is talking about China's economic situation. Currently their mixture of capitalism and communism seems to be the perfect recipe for growth. Not surprisingly the demand for well qualified Western audit professionals in Beijing is high. Whether it's working for a European company or a local enterprise the opportunities are plain to be seen. It's a long way from home but not as far as you might think - you might not be popping home for Sunday lunch, but travelling there by plane is a simple procedure.

Bombay - while most people are aware of the growth in China, to many experts the flourishing economy of India is far more exciting, and less risky. Mumbai, Bombay's new name, is at the centre of the country's burgeoning financial revolution. With the entertainment businesses of Bollywood and more traditional companies, Mumbai has the appeal of both LA & New York.

Dubai - another fast developing financial capital is the United Arab Emirates' city of Dubai. The financial focal point for Middle Eastern oil has gained attention for its impressive growth and audacious planning & infrastructure. For many westerners looking for an international audit job, Dubai would prove the perfect fit.

Essentials of Handling Sales Manager Jobs

Wherever you are, sales manager jobs are abundant in most any economy. A superior sales director or sales associate, with a proven track confirmation, is capable to acquire a new sales manager job very easily. Adding up, sales people are some of the highest-paid experts in the occupation advertise. Many of those who perform manager jobs make six- or seven-figures income also commissions. However, this is not a simple profession. You have to maintain a high level of energy, positive attitude and be indifferent to rejection. You should learn to deal with a team which has a movement for progress. of acquaintances. Sales people regularly have large personalities. You have to be aware of this fact going into the job. Sales manager jobs require being responsible for handling the development of the business. is the process of acquiring new prospective clients through techniques in direct selling, business-to-business marketing visit, or cold calls. The business-development process is the primary responsibility of the manager.

The manager is accountable for ensuring the sales associates are creating sufficient outbound calls and attempts. They are as well liable for ensuring that the sales associates are sticking to the company's policies and procedures. It is the manager's duty to make sure her team reaches its goal. Sales manager jobs entail being in charge for turning over new group members their book of business. Every team member leaving the corporation also leaves unassigned clients to be reassigned to another rep. The sales manager should assign the clients on the basis of their potentials and expertise. Seniority rarely comes into play through a sales force. The finest reps receive the largest and most significant customers. The manager assumes the role of being the secondary contact on all accounts. Therefore, manager jobs must be familiar in the company of each account and its activity. An effective employee engaged in sales manager jobs is more than just the best person with a promotion.

You can become a better manager by stepping out of your person shoes and developing your coaching skills. Yesterday's manager functioned as a watchdog and a nag; today's manager encourages the team to make its numbers. The growing field of sales has opened up management opportunities in large and small cities across the nation. Meeting customers, working with vendors, promoting and even testing some products are just a few of the regular routine of sales manager jobs. The manager is responsible for developing and mentoring the sales force. Although it is a fact that some professionals are naturally born with skills, most have to develop it.

Sales are not anything more than a process that must be repeated hundreds of times. The more often a sales person repeats the route. The better he becomes at it. Each associate has a quota in relation to term and skill. The manager ensures the team, as a group, accomplishes its part or goals. If a sales associate is falling behind, the manager must develop her so she does. The average income of a sales manager is hard to pinpoint. Sales managers work in every business. Almost all managers earn their compensation primarily through their commissions, overrides, and bonuses among others. Various professionals handling manager have combined earnings in the range of almost seven digits.

Lucrative Openings For Business Development Jobs

Business development jobs are immense these days. People are getting good offers from some of the best Companies as there is rising need for these jobs all over India. In actual terms, every business - big or small wants to have a business development manager to promote business and make new customers. This helps in increasing the return on investments and awareness about a particular business entity amongst clients and competitors.

Business development jobs are crucial jobs in the industry. This job requires complete understanding of the business and its development. People with experience in particular industry get jobs easily because of their professional approach to the business.

This job is suited for Marketing-oriented people who have good knowledge of market and understand the clients well. Every market entity needs business promotion, but due to recession, people had curbed their expenses and stopped hiring business development managers for their business promotion.

The recession phase is completely over and people are coming back to normal schedule of business. Therefore, the hiring of professionals has also begun. One who has more knowledge is placed at better positions as compared to fresher.

Business development jobs are crucial for the industry. An efficient Manager will take the business to greater heights and vice-versa. Therefore, care should be taken while selecting the right Business Manager for the firm. Business development jobs are as per business requirements. Therefore, person opting for this job must understand the implications before applying for it.

Business development job openings are available in almost every industry. This implies that anyone can get the job with proper experiences. The best way is to look into the online job site for the right job. These sites help in getting the right job at right place also. Suppose you are currently working in Mumbai and want a job in Delhi; then fill in Delhi as preferred location and get the best job options in Delhi.

Aspirants can log on to online job sites through internet and get the desired job options within a few days only. These job sites are quick to respond and provide excellent work opportunities to candidates.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Administration Job Description

Administration Job Profile and Description

Administration consist the overall management or performance of business operations. They make implementations in all the major decisions that may affect the business growth or its decline. Administration has a universal meaning which involves the universal process of organising people and resources to achieve a common goal as in business and law. A business corporation’s goal is to gain income and provide employees work and serve the majority of consumers. While law administrations’ objective is to secure peace and stability and enforce law. Administration therefore, can refer to any internal bureaucratic and operational organisation. The administration has the sole purpose (as in business) of ensuring that its organisation is performing well and produces quality products and services so that they, as an organisation or business entity, will continue to participate and contribute to the community and the economy as well.

Duties and Responsibilities

Here are some primary responsibilities of an administration:

  • Identifies responsibilities to be performed and dividing them into departments or divisions in order to maximise business efficiency and productivity at a relatively short period of time.
  • Specifies organisational tasks and relationships associated to the organisation goals and objectives to achieve coordinated efforts and responsibilities.
  • Impose authority and control within its subordinates and supervisory units.
  • Decides in the recruitment and its overall process, filling job positions with the right staffs or employees.
  • Leads and directs the organisation to one common goal. It may also involve relocation and allocation of resources and provides effective support system.
  • The administration decides on the crucial issues on the organisation work force and the economic implications.
  • Evaluates and asses quality production and mobility in all areas and detects potential and actual deviations in the organisation.
  • Ensures high-quality products or services and maintains efficient and punctual productivity.
  • The top priority function of the administration is to ensure total customer satisfaction at all levels and maintains friendly relationship to keep their customers in their track.
  • Maintains and directs the orderliness and worry-free environment of the organisation.
  • Gathers all information in relation to the organization’s survival, informs the management departments about the measure of their performance, and decides on the necessary and corrective actions of its subordinates for violations of the rules, policies, procedures and regulations.

Career Opportunity in 3D Animation and Multimedia

These days it is unusual to see Children keep in touch with mythological stories or characters which in our generation were thought as a lesson of prime importance; this could be attributed to the rise of a new dimension in entertainment called animation. This is a world of amazing graphics, special effects and exotic technologies that mesh and converge to create unbelievable real and virtual experiences. It's a world that beckons creative minds to unleash their influence.

3D Animation is the art of conceiving an act by drawing inanimate characters or objects, which are made suitable for filming. It has recently become a very high paying profession and also its requirement of niche skills and inventive thinking has attracted people who have the ability to think out of the box. With the expanding world of Media, demands for animators also seem to be on the rise as every medium of communication use 3D animation in one way or the other. The special effects, extraordinary graphics and the multi dimensional approach are sweeping everyone around the world of their feet. A lot of creative people are choosing the Animation and Multimedia field and going home with a fat pay cheque.

Multimedia is the means of putting together graphics, art etc to convey a message to a certain type of audience in an appealing manner. Therefore, just being creative would not be enough and you need to be technically competent and being a good artist would act as a great catalyst to get a dream job in animation and multimedia.

Many new age Hollywood movies have shown that Animation is the one of the most sought after means of entertainment and 3 dimensional films have become the flavor of the season, these movies use technology that could be applied only by animation and multimedia professionals therefore there is a surge in the skill needs of budding multimedia professionals.

Animation is also sought after in the music industry as we see more artists make videos which contain animated affects blended with live action etc. The animation and multimedia industry is said to reach 1530 billion this year and it continues to surge, the backbone of the industry are all the bright young minds who have chosen this field as their career, this is a chance for every young inventive mind to be a part of a movement which is moving only upwards.

There are many courses being offered in animation and multimedia, even though the cost could be steep you will definitely reap the rewards and benefits once you start working.

After completing the course there are many fields that a person can be chosen for like visual artists, graphic designer etc.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Internal Auditor Jobs - Which Audit Sector Suits You

The fields of corporate governance, internal audit jobs, accountancy positions and IT audit jobs still offer excellent career opportunities and given the increasingly international face of the corporate world means that there are audit jobs available almost anywhere across India and throughout Europe, though some areas offer more opportunities than others. Depending on the type of work that you're seeking, here's a quick look at where the audit jobs are around India.

Public Sector Audit Jobs
No matter where you want to live and work, you'll find that there are public sector audit jobs available. The demand in the public sector is greatest for internal audit positions, including both permanent and contract work, in positions from junior auditor to directors of internal audit departments. Check with recruitment firms and with local councils to find public sector jobs near to you - or wherever you'd rather live.

Audit Jobs in Financial Services Firms
If you want to work within a financial services firm, some of the best areas to be looking includes Mumbai - of course - and in and around Bangalore, where you'll find a number of financial services companies based.

Retail Industry Audit Jobs
No matter where you live or want to work, you'll find audit jobs available in the retail industry. From the smallest hamlet to the bright lights of India to the seaside, there's always a demand for those who want to work within the financial audit end of retail.

Risk Management Jobs
One of the fastest growing segments of the auditing and financial industries is in risk management. The huge losses incurred by international companies in the 1990s highlighted the importance of risk management, and the rush to find qualified professionals who can identify, assess, monitor and report on risk factors and their effect on business is still driving the market and keeping salaries high. The best areas to find employment within the risk management specialty are those with a high concentration of financial services firms and the headquarters of large companies in any industry.

Sales Jobs You Can Do From Home

Are you looking to work from home? There are all kinds of jobs that you apply for online that will give you the option to work in the comfort of your house. What about sales jobs though? If you can handle a sales job, they are probably the easiest of all the work at home jobs you can get. There is always a need for telemarketers and appointment setters. They are also fairly simple jobs to do.

If you have ever done any kind of sales job you can be a telemarketer. Telemarketers are simply people who call people at home or work and ask them if they would like to purchase whatever product that company is selling. You normally read from a script so you don't have to think of words to say and you even rebuttals in case the person declines the purchase. These types of sales jobs are pretty easy to come by and some of them will pay you a commission as well as an hourly rate. You can make a really decent income being a telemarketer.

Another type of job that is fairly easy to find is called appointment setting. These are still considered sales jobs, even though you aren't actually selling a product. What you are doing as an appointment setter is selling an appointment. In other words, you are making an appointment for a sales agent to go to someone's home and selling a product. You may see a lot of these jobs in different areas you could be setting appointments for insurance agents or vacuum cleaner sales men. Pretty much anyone who would need to be face to face in someone's home to make a sale will be in need of appointment setters.

Sales jobs may be easy to come by, but they have a high turnover rate. It takes a patient and dedicated person to do that type of work. You have do be able to handle rejection and not take it personal if someone says, "no" or someone hangs up the phone on you. You will also need to be able to sit for long hours on the phone. This can get boring at times, so it makes it a much harder job to do. Also, since you are not only on the phone the whole time you are working, but you are making out going calls, you will want to make sure you have unlimited long distance services on your phone.

If you have the proper mentality and the right equipment, sales jobs are very easy to come by. If you are looking to work from home and make a full or part time income, this could be a great option for you. Sales jobs can be very lucrative, so the right person could easily supplement their income from a full time job and work entirely from home.

How To Create An Effective Business Development Strategy

In business developement jobs, the Development Strategy is used to underpin your main Business Plan and essentially it sets out a standard approach for developing new opportunities, either from within existing accounts or by proactively targeting brand new potential accounts and then working to close them.

This document highlights the key issues you should consider prior to compiling your own plan and will hopefully guide you logically through a proven framework.

The key word is 'Strategy', because you are creating a workable and achievable set of objectives in order to exceed your annual target.

Your Starting Point:

The key words are Who? What? Where? When? Which? Why? How?

For example:

Who - are you going to target?

What - do you want to sell them?

Where - are they located?

When - will you approach them?

Which - are the appropriate target personnel?

Why - would they want to meet with you?

How - will you reach them?

If you have conducted regular account reviews with your key accounts during the previous twelve months, you should be aware of any new opportunities that will surface during the next twelve months. You will also, when assessing what percentage of your annual target usually comes from existing accounts, need to review data over the last two or three years. (It is likely that you can apply Pareto i.e. 80% of your business will probably come from existing accounts and in fact 80% of your total revenue will come from just 20% of your customers/clients)

You will be left with a balance - i.e. "20% of my business next year will come from new opportunities" - therefore you can then begin to allocate your selling time accordingly.

Ideal Customer Profiling:

Pro-active business development job demands that we create an ideal target at the front end - i.e. an Ideal Customer Profile. The essential characteristics you will need to consider are:

  • Industrial Sector
  • Geographical Location (Demographics)
  • Size of organisations (Turnover, number of employees etc)
  • Financial Trends
  • Psychographics - i.e. Philosophical compatibility

Many strategic sales professionals merely profile their best existing clients and try to replicate them - there's nothing wrong with doing this but we should always remember that we are seeking an IDEAL and we can always improve on what we already have.

'New' Opportunities From Within 'Old' Accounts:

Because it costs approximately ten times as much, to first locate and then sell to a new customer as it does an existing one (although these costs are rarely reflected in the cost of sales), it is essential that we fully develop our existing accounts working upwards, downwards and sideways, thus making the most of the (hopefully) excellent reputation we have developed already.

Most corporate accounts have several divisions, departments, sites, even country offices and you must satisfy yourself that you have exhausted every possible avenue. Don't be afraid to ask the question "Who else should I be talking to in your organisation"?

Developing New Opportunities:

There are a number of ways in which we can target new opportunities e.g.

  • Direct Mail
  • Telephone Canvassing
  • Researching Archived Files For Customers Who Used To Buy From Your Company
  • Exhibitions
  • Seminars
  • User Groups
  • E-Mail Campaigns
  • Referrals
  • Qualified Leads
  • Advertising

Not all of these will be appropriate to your particular industry, but you should not be afraid to experiment - i.e. challenge the paradigm - and do not accept that just because a particular idea has not worked in the past that it will not do so in the future. (Remember when you were learning to walk - it didn't work first time then!)

The important thing is to make an early decision in terms of what you are going to try and then build this (those) ideas into your master plan.

A Typical Business Development Plan:

You should plan out the whole year and review / revise quarterly.

  • List your existing accounts and plan what activities / actions need to be completed in order to fully exhaust all opportunities. You may for instance, plan to cover more bases within the decision making unit or contact associated companies or offices. The Strategic Account Profile can be used as a prompt.
  • Begin to target new accounts using business directories etc. and set targets per week / month / quarter i.e. I normally allow for eight hours per week as a minimum (Don't forget to continually refer back to your Ideal Profile)
  • Then build in what assistance you need from your marketing function - i.e. qualified leads, seminars, exhibition attendance etc.
  • Finally share your plan with your manager and then commit to it.

You should also measure it against S.M.A.R.T.E.R. i.e. is it.








Linking With Your Commercial Plan:

I have suggested that your Business Development Strategy, would link with your Master Business Plan but logically you should also integrate it into your Commercial Kit(this is a document that outlines your monthly,quarterly and annual targets) - specifically the areas that deal with new business generation, account management and development, four tier account lists etc.

These three documents when combined should drive and guide you through the next twelve months and beyond.


As I have said often enough "People do not fail because they planned to fail but rather because they failed to plan"

The man who knows where he wants to go is more likely to get there, he just has to decide how to get there. All plans are essentially maps and guides; the strategic element is the 'How'.

Do be prepared to change course, flexibility is key, and don't be afraid to experiment, look outside the square.